In this episode, Dr. Vignesh is interviewing a renowned Facial Reflexologist from Japan, Mariko Hiyama, about her journey in finding her Dharma and Facial Reflex Therapy.
The topics discussed in this episode are:
Mariko’s journey in finding her Dharma and healing with hands
How to find your Dharma
What is Facial Reflex Therapy
Importance of facial muscles and facial expressions
How Facial Reflex Therapy can help reduce the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and hair loss
Tips to reduce jaw tension
Mariko is originally from Fukuoka, located in the Southern Island of Japan, Kyushu. Mariko’s interest in natural healing methods and reflexology was set when she was a little girl by receiving therapeutic massages from her grandmother and by meeting Qi (Ki) Masters. Ever since she has been witnessing the healing power of Traditional Chinese Medicines, Qi Gong, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ayurveda, Reflexology, and other natural healing methods through her own experiences.
Mariko always wished to work with her hands for people as she became more aware of the meaning behind a Japanese word of 「手当て」 “Treating/Healing People with Hands”. She is grateful to have found her lifework as a Facial Reflexologist.
For the past 7 years, she has been working as a visiting practitioner and a trainer with award-winning wellness resorts across the continent and treating many clients from all over the world. She is currently running a private therapy space in the heart of Hong Kong (Sheung Wan) while working with the most respected alternative medicine centers in Hong Kong, Integrated Medicine Institute (IMI) as a Facial Reflexologist.
Mariko holds certificates of Sorensensistem Facial Reflex Therapy for Dementia, Alzheimer’s
and Parkinson Patients, Diabetes Patients and Weight Management, Trauma Releasing Bipoar Reflex Therapy as well as Thermie Reflex Therapy. Mariko is a certified instructor for Facial Reflex Therapy and Japanese Cosmo Face Lifting at International Institute Lone Sorensen.
For further details about Mariko’s work please visit
Instagram – @maitri_mariko
If you are interested in learning about Ayurveda Marma points and its healing benefits, I am holding an online workshop on August 30, 2020. Tickets can be purchased here:
For further details about your host Dr. Vignesh Devraj please go to Facebook and Instagram @sitarambeachretreat @vigneshdevraj or visit